General Meetings and Socials
Fall Quarter Agenda (All meetings are at 7:00 PM in Olson 106 on Thursdays):
10/5 - Info Session/Resume Workshop
10/12 - Deloitte
10/19 - EY
10/26 - Meet the Firms
11/2 - KPMG
11/9 - Moss Adams
11/16 - MGO
11/30 - End of Quarter Celebration
(all socials take place directly after meetings)
10/12 - Yolo Berry
10/5 - Info Session/Resume Workshop
10/12 - Deloitte
10/19 - EY
10/26 - Meet the Firms
11/2 - KPMG
11/9 - Moss Adams
11/16 - MGO
11/30 - End of Quarter Celebration
(all socials take place directly after meetings)
10/12 - Yolo Berry